The Farm rescues and provides sanctuary for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals.
At The Farm, animals learn to trust again and have a chance to thrive and live out their lives in peace, comfort, dignity, and love.

Featured Rescue

Big Beautiful Beau arrived at the Farm in October 2022. He had been rescued by law enforcement in a nearby county; malnourished and unsocialized. He spent a couple months with a foster family before coming to the Farm. His recover continued, gaining weight and building bonds with the other horses and our volunteers. He is loving and gentle and has become a great companion to Tex, our blind horse.
Visit the Farm during Open House, most Sundays 2p-4p (rain cancels)
or by appointment.
Guidelines for Visiting the Farm
We hope you enjoy visiting the Farm. Our animals come from many different backgrounds. For their safety and yours, please observe the following rules.
*Visit at your own risk. Animals will nibble on fingers, clothes and belongings.
*Adults are responsible for supervising their children at all times.
*Do not open gates or enter animal enclosures.
*Do not climb on gates, fences, or equipment.
*Do not put your hands through the fences.
*Do not chase, hit, yell at or be unkind to any animal.
*Do not pick up any animal.
*Do not feed any animal unless approved by a Farm volunteer .
*No smoking or vaping.
*Shoes are required.


The Farm at Oatland North is an animal sanctuary located on the north end of St. Simons Island. In the 1700's the land was known as Oatland Plantation. Doug Taylor, Barbara Hasell Murrah's grandfather, purchased the property in the 1940's. Barbara and her husband, Bascom, returned to the Island over a dozen years ago and began the farm with her horse, Lightning. They were soon joined by their daughter,
Natalie, who brought 2 cows with her, Amanda and Panda.
The family farm continued to grow as the farm adopted retired, unwanted, abused, and abandoned animals. The Farm was primarily funded by the Murrah family and in 2012 it was incorporated and became a 501 c(3) not for profit charity. Sadly, Barbara lost her brief battle with cancer in July 2013. With the help of the Murrah family, dedicated volunteers, and friends, the Farm continues to provide sanctuary for animals.

Animal Sponsorships
Horses $200/month
Donkeys $50/month
Goats $25/months
Pigs $25/month
Cats $15/month
Call for more information.